Brown, Mark & Jordan - South Dakota

Brown, Mark & Jordan - South Dakota

Mark and Jordan Brown went to South Dakota one week after their Bible college graduation with a burden to reach the state with the gospel. They relaunched a church plant in Watertown, SD, and have experienced 15 years of growth and revival. They currently serve the UPCI as District Superintendent of the South Dakota District. The Lord has placed on their hearts the need to reach The Next Town. South Dakota currently has just seven churches in a state of 66 counties and 310 towns. They are Forward Missionaries under the Metro Missions program of North American Missions with a plan to reach the un-churched towns in South Dakota. They plan to reach out to the rural communities with the circuit rider approach, going from town to town, launching Bible study groups that will progress into Preaching Points and churches. Their vision is to see an Apostolic witness in every county and every community in South Dakota.

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